Emerald Rangers Radio Network
A group of friendly, laid back nerds. Podcast network for the Gaming/Tokusatsu website, Emerald Rangers. Catch shows from fellow members here. Current shows:- The Next Kaisercast (Hosted by Retrokaiser) - Fastcast (Hosted by Cendoo) - Tiger Claw Radio (Hosted by Critical Failure)
Emerald Rangers Radio Network
Kaiserkast #7 - Cendoo, Chicken, Politics, and Retro Games.
Cendoo joins me for this episode because I didn't have enough material.
Song used at end is Save the Weed (Greatest Hits Version) by Pirate Party the Band.
You can buy our album, An Explosive Barrel of Hits off of Bandcamp.: An Explosive Barrel Of Hits! | Pirate Party The Band | Cameron Hons (bandcamp.com)